How to get your motorhome resistance to freezing
Prepared your motor home for winter
Before the measuring instrument drops below chilling, it’s time to bring on. Take care about your motor home maintenance; you'll be able to do that necessary task by yourself easily. First consult expert’s manual for specifics before beginning any winterizing procedure.
Most necessary a part of obtaining motor home prepared for winter.
Drain the all function. Slightly water must not be left in pipes, faucets, valves or pumps. If left will freeze, expand, and split apart. And if occurs, most plumbing is buried within walls and cupboards, repairs will be necessary. Whole system must be purge draining the water lines isn’t sufficient. The best technique is that, with compressed gas, blow out the system. It needs a compressor and a special “blow out plug can be purchased from suppliers.
Be one 100%confident that the water has been excluded from the system.
Mostly motor home use to get problem during winter. They are not being cured with proper
RV roof sealant when the need sealant and in summer at freezing temperature water freezes. It becomes the worst issue with passing time and destroys part of motor home. Inspect the roof make it sure that its surface is dry and clean. For sealing use appropriate sealant and follow the instruction of manufacturers. After a moderate hail storm or wind storm Roof inspections should be done immediately where large objects such as tree branches or flying debris, have contacted the roof.
Common problems of sealants
In freezing temperature sealants starts to crack and their presence becomes useless. They use to be good enough in moderate weather but extreme of weather make them useless. They leave to work at all and become part of problem instead of solving.
EPDM Liquid rubber as a sealant works better even at freezing temperature
If you have applied EPDM Liquid rubber as a sealant, it can easily swing with temperature changes. Liquid Roof can be applied at freezing temperature; it does not compromise during temperature swings. Protection of your motor home will be more sure and perfect with the presence of EPDM Liquid rubber.